Friday, May 18, 2007

My first day blogging

Wow! This is so cool! I can tell you about my stuff, and all it takes is some time with my paws at the computer! I know Mommy-god spends a lot of time typing at this thing - and Daddy-god spends a lot of time with that thing they call a "mouse" - I don't get that, a mouse is what those IckyCats catch and eat - not that little black thing. But, I'll just use the letter punchy thing and have some fun.

My full name is Chocobo Bubba Dog Isham. I was rescued 5 minutes before I was going into that back room where no one ever comes out by the 3 humans - Daddy-god, Mommy-god and the Boy. The gods let the Boy name me - so I guess I'm named after some video character. Mommy-god started calling me Bubba Dog, cause I let them think I'm not too smart - and I'm from some place called Georgia. But she says it with love, so I wag my tail at her a lot!

Well, I need to go outside and pee. I will probably write more!

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